

Introducing a change log (this file) to keep track of major changes. Entry basis is the RACE version as specified in build.sbt.

Build configuration now uses explicit version numbers for external dependencies, to make sure builds behave the same regardless of external updates. Developers should frequently use the sbt-updates plugin to detect newer versions.

All plugins that are not essential for normal builds (including documentation) have been removed from project/plugins.sbt, to minimize SBT update dependencies. Publishing and analysis plugins should be moved to respective SBT user config (~/.sbt/<version>).

A new race-adapter sub-project has been added to support connecting to external systems that do not have a network interface. See Connecting External Systems for details.

Other additions since 1.4.1 include the StatsCollector and StatsReporter infrastructure (see Time Series Analysis, the TrackTool and Apache Avro based readers and writers. A new track package in race-core was introduced to unify and replace various different track types (such as the old IdentifiableInFlightAircraft and others).