
One of the use cases of RACE is to analyze large data streams and make results available online, i.e. outside of RACE. To support external clients RACE includes the gov.nasa.race.http.HttpServer, which is a low- to mid-level traffic web server that can be configured with RaceRouteInfo objects, to turn data received from RACE channels into web content and map it to URIs, supporting dynamic refresh, user authentication, logging and more.

To that end HttpServer has two major functions:

For routing HttpServer leans heavily on the AkkaHttp library, which provides a full DSL to hierarchically define URI systems with interspersed processing elements such as HTTP method matchers, cookie checks and path combinators. The DSL itself is beyond the scope of this document,nhere we just note that each configured RaceRoutInfo can provide its own route() method that returns a akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route object.


RaceRouteInfo is the construct that ties data acquisition, content creation and content/route association together. Each HttpServer instance can be configured with any number of RaceRouteInfo objects, which in turn can have their own configuration parameters. The design is similar to RaceViewerActor and RaceLayerInfos (see WorldWind Viewer).

Data acquisition required to generate query responses is handled through dedicated actors that are associated with their corresponding RaceRouteInfos. Such actors extend SubscribingRaceActor and turn data received from the subscribed channels into HttpContent objects (aggregation of HTML page and associated resources such as images etc.). The HttpContent is stored in RaceRouteInfo and referenced from within its route() method to generate the response for valid HTTP requests.

There is no restriction what type of content can be supported by RaceRouteInfos (html, json etc.). For HTML content creation we use the ScalaTags library, which provides a DSL that supports procedural elements in a tree that is very close to the created HTML structure. Akka-http also supports bi-directional communication by means of WebSockets.

The gov.nasa.race.http.Test{RouteInfo,Authorized,Refresh} examples show how define routes and (self refreshing) HTML content.:

//--- basic RaceRouteInfo example
class TestRouteInfo (val parent: ParentContext, val config: Config) extends RaceRouteInfo {
  val request = config.getStringOrElse("request", "test")
  val response = config.getStringOrElse("response", "Hello from RACE")

  override def route = {
    path(request) {
      get {
        complete(HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`text/html(UTF-8)`, response))

//--- example of how to implement authorized content for configured paths
class TestAuthorized (val parent: ParentContext, val config: Config) extends AuthorizedRaceRoute {
  val request = config.getStringOrElse("request", "secret")
  var count = 0
  def page = html(
      nid(s"the supersecret answer #$count to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is:"),
      nid("(I always knew there was something wrong with the universe)"),

  override def route = {
    path(request) {
      get {
        count += 1
        completeAuthorized(User.UserRole, HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`text/html(UTF-8)`, page.render))

Encrypted Content

HttpServer can be configured to use the HTTPS protocol for server authentication and content encryption:

use-https = true
server-keystore = "??server.keystore"
server-keystore-pw = "??"

If use-https is set a valid X.509 certificate keystore has to be provided, which can for instance be generated by means of the JDK keytool. Location path and passphrase values should be kept in a vault (see Encrypted Configurations) like this:

server {

For testing purposes a keystore can be created by running the script/ script. To generate a self-signed CA certificate we provide script/

User Authentication

If content requires user authentication the respective RaceRouteInfo can be derived from AuthorizedRaceRoute or AutoAuthorizedRaceRoute, which both provide a completeAuthorized directive that is used instead of complete when defining the route:

override def route = {
  get {
    path("secretData") {

AuthorizedRaceRoute is used for interactive clients and automatically redirects to/from a login web page the first time the content is accessed. AutoAuthorizedRaceRoute is for automated, non-interactive web clients and requires explicit login/logout requests from the client application.

User authentication is done by means of challenge/response cookies, i.e. after successful user login HttpServer transmits a cookie in the response (via Set-Cookie header) that has to be included in the next request from the client. Each accepted response yields a new cookie value, i.e. each cookie is only good for the next request and is not permanently stored on the client side:

server side user authentication

A session cookie can also have an expiration date after which the HttpServer will reject it.

User authentication requires an additional user-auth route configuration option to specify the respective password store to use:

use-https = true
server-keystore = "??server.keystore"
server-keystore-pw = "??"

routes = [
  { name = "secretData"
    class = "gov.nasa.race.http.TestAutoAuthorized"
    request = "secretData"
    user-auth = "??server.users"

Again, the value for this option should be kept in a encrypted config. Since the password is transmitted in the login request data respective routes have to use https.

This user authentication protocol is also supported by the HttpImportActor

WebSocket Support

RaceRoutes support the WebSocketAPI by means of a number of the PushWSRaceRoute, ProtocolWSRaceRoute and AuthorizedWSRoute which provide a promoteToWebSocket() method that can be used from within concrete route() implementations like this:

override def route = {
  get {
    path("ws") {

RACE web sockets come in two flavors: push mode and protocol mode:

Push mode sends the same data to all connected clients, supporting per-client initialization by means of overriding a initializeConnection() method in respective route implementations, which mix in PushWSRaceRoute and normally use associated DataConsumerRaceActors to collect data to publish from configured RACE channels. Such actors use the PushWSRaceRoute.setData() method to initiate publishing. Note that this method has to take care of proper synchronization in case the data to be pushed is not invariant as the actor and the route object execute in different threads. It is up to individual routes to decide where/if RACE data gets translated into published content (such as HTML documents), but convention is to use invariant, representation agnostic data as setData() arguments. perform the translation once in the respective RaceRouteInfo from within that setData() implementation and then serve that cached content from within the route() implementation

In protocol mode the server route responds individually to client requests that are issued as messages sent through an established web socket connection. The route implementation has to provide a handleMessage partial function that defines the protocol. A simple echo service works like this:

override protected val handleMessage: PartialFunction[Message,Iterable[Message]] = {
  case tm: TextMessage.Strict =>
    val msgText = tm.text
    TextMessage(Source.single(s"Echo [$msgText]")) :: Nil

Serving Mixed Static and Dynamic Content

The SiteRoute and AuthorizedSiteRoute traits can be used to serve content that uses a mix of dynamic (RACE-generated) and static (externally generated) data stored in the file system. The configuration looks like this:

actors = [...
  { name = "httpServer"
    class = "gov.nasa.race.http.HttpServer"

    host = "localhost"
    port = "8080"

    routes = [
      { name = "tabdata"
        class = "gov.nasa.race.http.tabdata.TabDataService" // SiteRoute implementor

        request-prefix = "tabdata" // URL path prefix for requests
        node-root = "race-net-http-test/src/resources/sites/tabdata" // root dir of static content

The node-root directly points to the root dir where respective route files can be found, to support configurations that serve content kept outside of RACE. Note that request-prefix (which defaults to the name value) and node-root can be different.

Test Routes

To test network connection and client compatibility the race-net-http module provides a number of generic RacRouteInfo examples: