OS X Specifics

1. Check Java Version

Run the following command from a terminal window

> java -version

If the reported version is lower than 1.8, run the following command

> /usr/libexec/java_home -V

to see which Java versions are installed on the machine. If there is a 1.8 Java, set JAVA_HOME in ~/.profile accordingly. Close and reopen terminal window, and re-check Java version.

If no Java 1.8 is installed on the machine, get it from Oracle's download node

2. Install SBT

Check if SBT is installed

> which sbt

If this does not show a valid path, install SBT with homebrew. If

> which brew

does not show a working homebrew installation, proceed with a homebrew user space installation

> cd ~/
> mkdir homebrew && curl -L https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/tarball/master | tar xz --strip 1 -C homebrew
> export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/homebrew/bin
> mkdir $HOME/Library/Caches

The last step is to avoid that brew uses the global/Libary/Caches directory as a fallback, which on some OS X installations is not world writable. Run brew --cache to check which cache brew is using, and if it does not pick up the user cache do a export HOMEBREW_CACHE=$HOME/Library/Caches

If brew was installed, make sure the package database is up-to-date by running

> brew update

Now install SBT by running

> brew install sbt

3. Clone RACE

If Git is not installed on your machine, install it with homebrew by running

> brew install git

Download RACE sources from the Git repository

> cd <your-project-root-dir>
> git clone https://github.com/NASARace/race.git

4. Build RACE

Start SBT from within the directory you cloned RACE to, build RACE artifacts by running it's stage command, and exit SBT

> cd race
> sbt
[race]> stage
[race]> exit

5. Run RACE

From within the RACE directory, execute the bin/race shell script, providing the configuration file to run as a command line argument. For instance, to run the WorldWind integration demo, run

> bin/race config/local/aircraft-ww.conf

Other example configurations can be found in the config/ directory. To shut down, the WorldWind demo, close the WorldWind window, then hit the enter key in the terminal window and select the exit option