WorldWind alternative
NASA WorldWind Java is not an actively maintained project anymore. Since it is based on an old OpenGL version (fixed function pipeline, i.e. no shaders) and uses a 3rd party library with native components (JOGL) that has not been released on Maven Central in 6 years it becomes increasingly important to find alternatives (such as browser clients using [CesiumJS]( The current workaround of using (which is published to Maven Central) should be considered temporary and should not be used as a basis for applications requiring substantial new geospatial viewer user interface components
Scala 3
RACE still uses Scala 2.13.x. While it should be easy to port RACE sources (no use of macros) it first has to be evaluated if 3rd party RACE dependencies are compatible with/available for Scala 3
OpenCL actor interface
race-cl is currently just a placeholder and needs an actor model. However, the use of OpenCL for heterogeneous computing support first has to be re-evaluated against Vulkan compute in terms of cross-vendor compatibility.
discrete event protocol
implement discrete event protocol in trait that can be mixed into actor classes. This is to support "fast time" simulations inside of continuous time simulations
adding completion flag to TrackedObject/FlightPos
some specialized events such as TATrack already have respective fields but FlightPos processors still require separate FlightCompleted messages
resurrect and complete race-ui
RACE needs a GUI driver in addition to the textual ConsoleMain
RaceActor parameterization interface
RACE configs are open, i.e. new parameters can be easily added without the need for updating any central registry. Unknown settings are silently ignored. While this is very flexible during development it also makes it harder to detect configuration errors and to create configuration tools. Add a RaceActor API to query/document supported configurations.