
RaceActors are specialized Akka actors that primarily implement three RACE specific aspects:

The RACE distribution includes a number of ready-to-use RaceActors, but in general RaceActors are the major extension axis of RACE. To that end, special care is taken to minimize the system overhead in concrete RaceActor classes, and to separate processing of system messages from actor specific messages.

State Model

Based on the RACE runtime phases, RaceActors implement the following state model

RACE overview

All state transitions are triggered by system messages (e.g. InitializeRaceActor) that are sent by the master actor. Transition response is a message indicating either success (e.g. RaceActorInitialized) or failure (e.g. RaceActorInitializeFailed). All state related system messages are sent point-to-point between the master and the respective RaceActor, and are processed synchronously by the master actor. Dotted states are automatically entered/exited and supposed to be transient.

Creation and Initialization

RaceActors are created by the master actor by means of normal Akka APIs, providing a TypesafeConfig object as the sole constructor argument:

val actorConfig: Config = ..
val actorRef = context.actorOf( Props(actorCls, actorConfig), actorName)

The config object is normally straight from the RACE Runtime Configuration, but includes only the config element for the particular RaceActor to initialize. The constructor uses this config argument to initialize own and mixin (supertype) fields, e.g.:

import gov.nasa.race.core.PublishingRaceActor
class AircraftModel (val config: Config) extends PublishingRaceActor {
  val id = config.getString("id")

Existence of a concrete config field is enforced in the RACE provided traits, such as:

package gov.nasa.race.core
import akka.actor.Actor

trait RaceActor extends Actor ... {
   val config: Config
trait PublishingRaceActor extends RaceActor {
   .. readFrom ++= actorConf.getOptionalStringList("read-from") ..

RaceActor constructors only perform the first (local) initialization step. The second step takes place after all actors have been constructed, upon receiving a InitializeRaceActor message from the master actor. In response, the system automatically calls a onInitializeRaceActor(.. actorConfig) method that can be overridden by concrete RaceActor classes. For strictly local RaceActors the config object is the same that was passed into the constructor. For remote RaceActors, this is the remote configuration for this particular actor.

If concrete RaceActor classes rely on functionality of mixed in system RaceActor traits, they should call the respective super method:

class AircraftModel .. extends PublishingRaceActor { ...
  override def onInitializeRaceActor(rc: RaceContext, actorConf: Config) = {
    // ..perform specific initialization..
    super.onInitializeRaceActor(rc,actorConf) // perform system initialization

Separation of System and User Message Processing

Development of new RaceActors is the primary approach to extend RACE. Consequently, such new RaceActor classes should only have to provide application specifics, and leave general system processing to mixin system types.

To achieve this goal, concrete actors have to mix in the gov.nasa.race.core.RaceActor trait, which basically maps system messages to methods that can - but do not have to - be overridden by concrete RaceActor classes. These callback methods follow the same naming pattern, which is derived from the respective system message (e.g. StartRaceActor -> onStartRaceActor()).

The standard Akka Actor receive() method should not be overridden, as it holds the processing that has to happen regardless of concrete RaceActor system callback implementation. Moreover, the RaceActor trait actually swaps this message handler once the Initialized state for this actor is reached, which will install a overridable handleMessage() as the primary message handler for user messages. This is the method concrete RaceActors should provide to process application specific messages.

RACE overview

The rationale for this dynamic runtime behavior change is that concrete actor fields might get their initial values from InitializeRaceActor configuration data, and hence should not be referenced from message handlers before the Initialized state is reached.

*CAVEAT* - unless this is really intended in order to completely replace all system message processing, overridden handleMessage methods should not have a match-all clause, such as:

override def handleMessage = {
  .. // user message clauses
  case other => ..

This would effectively cut off all RACE system message processing in core RaceActor traits. RACE automatically checks during initialization of a RaceActorSystem that actors which are initialized properly respond to system messages and automatically shuts down otherwise.


Although RaceActors can use normal Akka point-to-point messaging (e.g. for system messages), the normal data communication between RaceActors is done through a network-enabled publish/subscribe mechanism, which utilizes a RACE specific Bus object that is provided by the master during RaceActor initialization. This bus holds logical channels which are identified by means of path-like strings such as /flights/positions. The messages published to such channels are wrapped into BusEvent objects that hold the payload message, the sender (actorRef) and the respective channel this message was published to.

Publishers get the data channels to publish to from the actor configuration, and use a publish() method provided by the PublishingRaceActor trait in order to write to such channels:

//--- RACE configuration: myuniverse.conf
... actors [ ...
     { name = ..
       class = "myactors.AircraftModel"
       write-to = "/flights/positions"

//--- actor implementation: AircraftModel.scala
import gov.nasa.race.core.PublishingRaceActor

class AircraftModel (val conf: Config) extends PublishingRaceActor {
  val writeTo = conf.getString("write-to")
      publish( writeTo, new FlightPosition(...))

Conversely, subscribers mix in the system trait SubscribingRaceActor (which automatically subscribes to configured channels during actor initialization), and pattern match for respective BusEvents in their message handlers:

//--- RACE configuration: myuniverse.conf
... actors [ ...
   { .. class = "myactors.FlightProbe"
        read-from = "/flights/positions"

//--- actor implementation: FlightProbe.scala
import gov.nasa.race.core.SubscribingRaceActor

class FlightProbe (val conf: Config) extends SubscribingRaceActor {
   override def handleMessage = { ...
     case BusEvent(channel, msg: FlightPosition, sender) => ...

Normally, subscribers only match on payload types (e.g. FlightPosition), channel (selector string) and sender (actorRef) are usually ignored.

Channels do not have to be defined separately in the configuration, they are merely selectors used at runtime. This allows to subscribe to a whole tree of sub-channels by using wildcards (e.g. /flights/*).

Channel names that start with /local/ will only use the bus of the RACE process that executes the respective actor. Messages published to such channels will not be sent to other RACE instances.

Channels are not type constrained with respect to payload messages. Channel subscribers are responsible for extraction of relevant payload messages, for which Scala's pattern matching is a very convenient and type safe mechanism.


Here is a complete example that shows a RaceActor which periodically computes and publishes flight positions for a configured aircraft:

package gov.nasa.race.air.actor

import akka.actor.ActorRef
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import gov.nasa.race.air.FlightPos
import gov.nasa.race.core.RaceTick
import gov.nasa.race.core.{ContinuousTimeRaceActor, PeriodicRaceActor, PublishingRaceActor, SubscribingRaceActor}
import gov.nasa.race.geo.GreatCircle._
import gov.nasa.race.geo.LatLonPos
import gov.nasa.race.uom.Angle._
import gov.nasa.race.uom.Length._
import gov.nasa.race.uom.Speed._
import gov.nasa.race.uom._

import scala.language.postfixOps

class SimpleAircraft (val config: Config) extends ContinuousTimeRaceActor
             with SubscribingRaceActor with PublishingRaceActor with PeriodicRaceActor {

  //--- initialization from configuration
  val id = config.getString("id")
  val cs = config.getString("cs")

  // Ok to use vars here since nobody outside this actor will have access
  var pos = LatLonPos(Degrees(config.getDouble("lat")), Degrees(config.getDouble("lon")))
  var speed = Knots(config.getDouble("speed-kn"))
  var altitude = Feet(config.getDouble("altitude-ft"))
  var heading = Degrees(config.getDouble("heading"))

  //--- overridden initialization/termination callbacks

  override def onStartRaceActor(originator: ActorRef) = {

  //---  user message handler
  override def handleMessage = {
    case RaceTick =>
      debug(s"publishing $pos")
      publish(FlightPos(id, cs, pos, altitude, speed, heading, simTime))

  //--- internal functions

  def updatePos: Unit = {
    val dist: Length = speed * updateElapsedSimTime
    pos = endPos(pos, dist, heading, altitude)