Directory Structure

RACE is currently partitioned into a main project and a number of sub-projects that provide the distributed build artifacts (jars). The main project is only used for aggregation, it does not contain own code.

Sub-projects fall into three categories

The purpose of this partitioning is to minimize (transitive) dependencies in 3rd party projects - they only need to add the RACE jars they need. This is especially useful with respect to RACE networking components, which have a huge 3rd party dependency fan out as they are based on large libraries such as Apache ActiveMQ.

Sub-project that are marked with a 'X' are exported as separately available jars.

build.sbt               the main SBT project definition file
race@                   link to script executing RACE with all exported sub-projects
race-core/           X  the basic RACE
race-net-jms/        X  JMS networking support for import/export, using Apache ActiveMQ
race-net-dds/        X  DDS networking support, based on OMGs Java 5 PSM (interface-only jar)
race-net-kafka/      X  Kafka networking support
race-net-http/       X  Http import, using AsyncHttp
race-swing/          X  helper classes for Swing based user interfaces (style support etc.)
race-ww/             X  basic infrastructure for embedding NASA WorldWind in RACE
race-launcher/       X  launching remote RACE instances
race-ui/             X  RACE user interface (Swing console)
race-testkit/        X  basic RACE test infrastructure (used by *-test projects)
race-air/            X  airspace related classes
race-ww-air/         X  NASA WorldWind based airspace visualization
race-tools/             various tools used for RACE operation (en/decryption etc.)                            
race-core-test/         regression test project for race-core
config/                 example RACE configuration files
doc/                    RACE documentation sources
project/                SBT build system code
script/                 scripts to start RACE executables and tools
target/                 build artifacts of SBT and document generators (not archived,removed by clean command)
tmp/                    runtime artifacts created by RACE executions (not under version control)

Each (sub-) project follows a normal Maven layout, using the following structure

    main/               source artifacts for production code
        scala/          *.scala sources, possibly with package subdirecties
        java/           *.java sources, possibly with package subdirecties
        resources/      resources loaded through ClassLoaders
    test/               unit test sources
    multi-jvm/          [optional] integration test sources