Remote RaceActors and Distributed RACE Applications

RACE is meant to be used in a distributed environment, communicating with other nodes across network connections. This communication can happen at three levels:

Tightly related to the first two modes is the concept of Location Transparency. In theory this means the code of an actor should not reflect in which actor system it is running - the location can be chosen based on resource availability, including load distribution. In practice, this is constrained by the cost of serialization for incoming and outgoing messages for respective actors, which for high volume communication can exceed potential gains.

Akka Clusters

This is the lowest level of remoting support and - apart from serialization of exchanged messages - only requires cluster configuration as it is fully implemented in the Akka framework. Clusters can be used to implement highly reliable systems with distributed data but due to underlying protocols require a high level of connectivity between the nodes within the cluster. There is not yet specific support for Akka clusters within RACE.

Remote RaceActors

This is the primary remoting support within RACE, which is integrated into the RaceActor Model. If the MasterActor during system initialization encounters an actor configuration with a remote option it does not instantiate this actor locally but - depending on if the there is a class specification for this actor - tries to either start or lookup this actor in a remote RaceActorSystem:

  1. remote lookup - if there is no class specification the MasterActor assumes the remote actor is already running within the remote system, tries to obtain its ActorRef and if successful sends its local actor configuration
  2. remote start - if there is a class specification in the local config the MasterActor instantiates the respective actor in the remote system, which already needs to be running. Note this mode is only supported in Akka Classic (which is still the basis for RACE) and therefore might be dropped in the future

Location Transparency is guaranteed in both cases. Sending messages to remote actors is handled transparently by Akka. Publishing to global RACE channels from remote actors requires a local BusConnector which is created automatically by the MasterActor and acts as a local proxy that manages channel subscription and publication in lieu of the remote. Location transparency therefore becomes just a matter of RACE configuration:

Location Transparent Actors

Dedicated Communication Actors

This mode does not strive for location transparency - it uses dedicated communication actors that have full control over network protocols and endpoint lookup. SHARE is an example of choosing specialized actors (UpstreamConnectorActor talking to a HttpServer/NodeServerRoute) in order to enable connectivity-based actor modes (e.g. implementing mode specific protocols) and to allow for alternative (non-RACE) implementations of end points.


Regardless of the remoting level, communication between RaceActors in different processes always involves serialization and de-serialization of exchanged messages. While older RACE versions used generic Java Serialization that did not require to identify which message types need to be serialized/deserialized this is now discouraged by Akka for security reasons (see Java Security Guidelines and Perils of Java Deserialization).

For clusters and remote RaceActors RACE now defaults to a simple and DataInputStream based approach that requires RACE configuration in order to whitelist serializable types and associate them with respective gov.nasa.race.core.AkkaSerializers that provide implementations for two basic methods:

def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte]
def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: Option[Class[_]]): AnyRef

Serializers for standard RACE system messages can be found in gov.nasa.race.core.RaceSerializers and are generally type specific, i.e. they only handle a single type which is uniquely identified in the receiving RACE system by means of its Akka serializer id (that is transparently sent by Akka).